Perfume: For fashion and good to come out perfectly, it must be complemented by a nicely scented perfume. A fragrance that will leave many complimenting you and congratulating you for the nice body scent. Being a wholesale and retail seller of perfumes in one of the African countries, I have plenty of skills to share with you on some of the tips on how to apply perfume and which specific places to target to leave a long-lasting mark. Take a look:

photo credit: mensxp
1. Avoid rubbing the perfumes directly into your skin:
You must understand that for a perfume to be effective, it must be allowed to settle on a surface. Rubbing the perfume directly into your skin causes the fragrance to fade and evaporate away before it can settle. Also, rubbing the perfume on your skin causes friction between the body organs thus heating up and changing the scent. Kindly avoid that.
2. Ensure good storage of the Perfumes:
If you have visited one of our shops in Kenya at Modernlady Cosmetics, you will realize that I have a ”dark room”, where I store my perfumes ready to be sold. You must understand that storing your perfume in areas with water, humidity and drastically changing temperatures is likely to change the perfume’s composition. Storing perfumes near strong sources of light including natural UV from the sun is likely to break the bonds joining the perfume and thus causing a breakdown of the perfume. Keep your perfume bottles inside a dark drawer.
3. Mind the body part where you spray your scent:
After serious research, I have established that when applying perfume, you should focus on the body parts where you can feel the pulse of your blood, and where the veins are closest to the skin. These parts include the inner elbows, wrists, behind your ear lobes, and at the back of your knees. You might ask yourself why is Alex Munene suggesting the usage of these body parts. This is because the parts have been found to be the warmest spots in the body. The heat at those parts enables to naturally diffuse the perfume scent hence it can be easily smelt by your admirers.

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4. What time should you apply the perfume?
We are fond of applying the perfume as a last step before we walk out of the house. My research shows that we should apply the perfume immediately after showering before wearing clothes since the body can absorb it better when we are still warm and the body pores are perfectly open.
5. Skin Moisture:
When applying the perfume, make sure your skin is not dry. Perfumes evaporate very quickly when applied to dry skin. Try to apply some Vaseline jelly before wearing your perfume. It will help it last longer. Bye-bye for now. Feel free to visit me at Modern Lady Cosmetics, Nkubu, Kenya, or my official website @
By Alex Munene
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