Iconic bags are timeless. The more they age, the more pricey they become. If you fancy luxury bags, this article is for you. You can start your collection (if you haven’t yet) by looking at fashion’s iconic bags. Yes, they can be expensive but don’t worry, you can purchase them without breaking the bank. That is by buying a pre-loved.  While many online shops sell pre-loved items, I recommend Luxury Cheaper for such transactions. They have a wide selection of meticulously curated luxury bags in very excellent condition at prices that are comparatively low because of the quality they deliver. Read along as we introduce the 5 Iconic Bags you can buy from them to add to your collection.
As you may know, this Hermes Birkin handbag is perhaps one of the most expensive bags on the market, popularized by Jane Birkin in 1981. Its price increased 500 times in the last 35 years. For a brand new, be prepared to pay between $11,000 to $30,000 for regular leather, and up to $380,000 for special leathers. It is one of the bags in the world that has the highest retail value. Yes, it is the ultimate status symbol. It is of such high demand that the elites would compete as to who can own as many Birkins as they can while on the waiting list for 6 years. No wonder, it is so difficult to acquire this bag. You need to have a good connection with the store outlet to be able to get one when stocks are out. Go ahead, get this one before someone takes it.
Saffiano leather is one of the popular leather used for making bags but did you know that it was Mario Prada, Miuccia Prada’s father, who invented it? Yes, it was him and this is why this bag is an icon. Saffiano leather was first used and patented by the Prada house in 1913. It is a highly durable, scratch-resistant and water-repellant. The sleek and minimalist design became a staple of Hollywood stars like Lilly Collins, Angelina Jolie, Taylor Swift, and even the Kardashians. The bag is spacious with enough room for essentials yet it doesn’t look too bulky.
Well, you know this one. It is hard not to like a Louis Vuitton especially if it is the iconic Speedy Monogram. Do you reckon the famous star who popularized this bag? Yes, it was Audrey Hepburn. The original design which was made in the 1930s was big as it is a bag meant for travel but because Ms. Hepburn was a petite lady, LV house redesign the Speedy to her request so that it would fit her frame, and by 1965 the LV Speedy took off. Nowadays, there are several variations of iconic bags. Some are made in denim and even leather, in varying sizes. But the most popular among LV fans is Speedy 30.
As you can tell, the intricacy of this Gucci Dionysus handbag is hard to pass on. It is made of snakeskin with delicate embossed embroidery finished off with an ornate silver buckle that gives it iconic bags design status. It first came just a few years ago, in 2015 but is now deemed a classic by bag collectors. The Dionysus series come in different sizes and a slightly square shape, each with a unique embroidery design and color palette. Check out these beautiful babies at the Luxury Cheaper website now and then, or subscribe to a newsletter so you can get the first look at their new arrivals.
This bag is named after the late Princess Diana of Wales who was herself an icon. The bag was first made in 1994 but it was not until 1995 when the Princess wore the bag on her visit to Paris that the design became popular, hence the name. Since then, Lady Dior is a luxury style staple everywhere you look. It is small but surprisingly spacious enough to hold your essentials including your smartphone. The bag is made of patent calfskin leather that can resist scratches, and water and can be cleaned easily.
Why Buy Iconic Bags Design?
The answer is simple- iconic bag designs never go out of style. The older they get, the more iconic and pricey they become. If you look at buying luxury bags as an investment, these are perfect pieces to invest in as they increase value over time. Some iconic bags can be sold at an auction for more than US$300,000 because of the history they carry.
Where To Buy the Best Pre-loved Iconic Bags?
I recommend Luxury Cheaper for shopping for pre-loved luxury bags. They are a trustworthy shop with real reviews from real people and endorsed by major E-commerce websites. They are not just another online shop but a Curator of luxury bags. They meticulously select their items to give the best quality product at low prices. And there is this Money-back Guarantee which gives security to your purchase.
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By Jonquil Dun
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