Wedding Dress: This post is all about African Wedding Dresses/gowns. Have you been invited to attend an African wedding? Is one of your African friends getting married and expecting you to turn up for the traditional African wedding or are you getting married to an African man? Well, you are in the right place. African weddings are meant to be colorful, full of life, and very engaging. Africans love Kitenge outwear that are a mixture of many colors blended to bring out one of the best combinations.
Additionally, African weddings have attracted and captured the world’s attention for being one of the most unique and diverse fashion meetup points. African-themed dresses and shirts come in very different fabrics, colors, patterns, heights, and shapes.
1. Burundi African wedding dress:
Burundi is a tiny country in the East African continent. The Burundi traditional wedding gown is known as Mushanana. It has a skirt, a top, and a sash. The best way to identify the dress is that it is mostly a one-shoulder dress. It can either be a fabric dress or a silk dress.
2. Nigerian wedding dresses:
Nigeria has a very diverse and fantastic rich tradition. In it are over 371 tribes. Of all the rest, fashion from Igbo, Hausa, and Yoruba are the best in the region and they dominate the fashion world. Here is an example of how the Nigerian bride dresses up.
3. Rwanda wedding dresses:
Rwandese have a rich tradition and history that ought to be admired by many across all the continents of the world. Brides from this country dress in a traditional gown known as the Umshanana which is popular across the East African community.
4. Ghana wedding dresses/gowns:
Have you ever heard of the word ”kitenge”? Well, Ghana seems to be the center of Vitenge, a cloth that is made up of mixed colors and patterns. Brides from this country can’t avoid but turn up with a traditional Kitenge.
5. The Maasai’s traditional dresses:
Maasai people are found in Kenya and Tanzania. They are known better for the way they have preserved their cultural heritage for years. The Maasai are known for their traditional dressing which is also known as ”masai dressing”. Here is a sneaky pic of the same.
6. The Kikuyu Traditional wedding dress:
Kikuyu forms the largest tribe in Kenya by population. Their traditional wedding is colored by their brown gowns and clothes that reflect their rich cultural heritage as depicted by this photo: Thanks for reading this post on African Wedding Dresses/gowns. About the author.