Fashion itself can be a struggle but when it comes to short height, it becomes harder, because getting dressed when you’re under 5ft 4 is a real challenge! You can’t hold a conversation without someone bringing up your height, as if you weren’t aware of how short you are. but, for us ladies, one of the hardest problems is that of clothes which bring along a fashion struggle!
1. New bottom wear always need alteration
Jean, trousers or even pyjamas- whatever you may buy, a trip to the tailor follows.
2. Heels are your best friends
Since you wear them all the time, maybe that’s why your friends think you always look so put together! Worth the pain, eh!
3. People joke about you shopping from the kids’ section
It’s only the kids’ section accounted for curves. Kids clothes are actually cute and affordable.
4. Wearing maxi dresses means they’ll be sweeping the floor
Did we hear alteration? AGAIN? The tailor is gonna be rich!
5. Crop tops are basically regular T-shirts
If you need a normal t-shirt, you gotta buy a cropped one. And you’re expected to keep up with the trends?HOW?
6. Wearing oversized clothes means drowning in fabric
Talk about wearing comfortable clothes!
7. You can’t borrow clothes from your friends
The one thing you’d love to do is raid your bestie’s closet. And that’s taken away from you!
Are there any other problems you face
This one is for my tall friends: 9 FASHION STRUGGLES EVERY TALL GIRL CAN RELATE TO!
Thanks for reading,
Blog by Priya Grover
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