7 Home Remedies For Healthy Hair That Really Work

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Going natural is always the best solution for almost every skin and hair problem, Reason! you know, you are not going to handle any risk or side effect rather you always do it confidently because you know it will work and if used properly, it gives long time results and may be permanent results(with permanent use) to have healthy hair

Let’s gather some most effective remedies that will change your hair world.



Ginger Home Remedies For Healthy Hair

Ginger is an awesome antiseptic that protects skin from itching and stops dandruff. It helps hair to grow faster. Ginger has also proven to be the best natural conditioner.

How to apply: Mix up fresh ginger juice and Amla oil in equal amounts, apply on your scalp and rinse with normal shampoo after 20 minutes. Instant results can be seen.

Curd-All in one remedy

Curd-all Home Remedies For Healthy Hair

Curd has the properties to deeply nourish the skin, and when mixed with natural oils, gives unexpected results to the hair.

How to apply: Mix 4 tbsp. of curd and 2 tbsp. of mustard oil, apply on your hair thoroughly(from scalp to tip of the hair). Bind your hair with an ordinary clip and leave them for 30-45 minutes, rinse it with normal tap water and then apply shampoo to completely wash.

Use this remedy until dandruff completely goes and after that use twice a week so that hair meets their meal regularly. This remedy is for all types of hair problems.

Gold Wedding Band Rings

If you’re facing hair fall, use this remedy. If you’re facing dandruff daily, use this.
If you’ve tried everything to make your hair frizz-free but in no vain, use this.

If you’re losing your natural hair color, use this.

If you’ve tried everything but couldn’t get your desired long hair, use this.
If you’ve missing your shiny, silky, and smooth hair(lost due to dying and constant use of a hair drier, straightener and curler, etc.) use this. So basically, this remedy is a complete package and yes, at the cheapest price.

Banana-Best Natural Hair Conditioner

Banana Home Remedies For Healthy Hair

A natural conditioner that gives more effective results than other conditioners available on market. It is another complete meal for hair. This remedy is more effective than the previous one but is not used to cure dandruff specifically. This one is especially used to make the hair instantly frizz-free and silky.

How To Apply: Take 1 or 2 bananas, peel them, and mash bananas with the help of a fork. Now add the pulp into a clean cotton cloth and squeeze it to get the juice of thicker consistency. Next, add 1 tsp of almond oil and 1 tbsp of milk in it. Add all the ingredients well and apply to your hair thoroughly(no need to apply the mixture deeply into the scalp cause it is a conditioner). Leave hair for 40 minutes, rinse with normal tap water and finally wash hair with regular shampoo.

(In case you suddenly confront an event like a wedding, party, or any other occasion like that, this remedy will surely give you instant desired results. That is why this should be used twice or thrice a month)

Suggested: The most effective home remedies that will change your hair world.


Coconut Oil


Coconut oil Home Remedies For Healthy Hair

Coconut oil is an awesome natural source for hair growth. It works wonders in strengthening hair by moisturizing the scalp deeply and saving them from producing dandruff.

Before taking bath, daily massage your head with light warm coconut oil(apply an hour before taking bath). After one month, you will see an obvious result. Make sure to do this remedy on a daily basis so that there will be fewer chances of hair problems.

Aloe Vera Gel


There is hardly a source of natural remedies that don’t use aloe Vera. This is used in many remedies to cure common diseases especially to cure skin problems. Similarly, aloe Vera gel works wonder in keeping hair healthy. Aloe Vera contains a proteolytic enzyme that nourishes the scalp and repairs damaged skin cells, thus causing faster hair growth. It also works as an awesome conditioner.

How To Apply: Collect pure aloe Vera gel from the plant.. mash it as it is or for extra advanced results, mash it with almond oil and directly apply, massage on your scalp, leave for about an hour, and rinse off with mild shampoo. This process can be repeated 2-3 times a week in order to get permanent results.


Lemon is a typical natural source of vitamin C and has unbelievable benefits for hair health.

How to apply: Take 1 tbsp of lemon juice, add 1 tbsp of amla oil, and 1 tsp of tea tree oil. Mix them well and apply them to your scalp, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

Alternative Remedy: Just add 2 tbsp of lemon juice to one bucket of water, wash your hair with this water when you take bath, and a few weeks later prominent results will be in front of you.


Onion Juice

The oldest but the most effective remedy for fast hair growth. Onion contains sulfur in high amounts and thus plays a vital role in the production of collagen, as a result, healthy hair growth occurs.

How To Apply: Take an onion and cut it into small slices, mash them well and squeeze out the juice by using a clean cotton cloth. Now all you have to do is apply this juice on your scalp using your fingertips and leave for 10-15 minutes(If you feel irritation due to sensitive or damaged skin, rinse off immediately)

Finally, wash your hair with shampoo. Use this remedy twice a week for desired results.

Bottom Line

To achieve any goal, indeed, consistency is the key. Hair care treatments may give instant results and may last for a long time but, how long? There comes a time when side effects start appearing and sometimes a very alarming situation can be faced. Be creative, owe your own treatment and get your dream hair naturally.

By Azka 

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