Street Fashion To The World; Try these 5 Sassy Outfits For You

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Fashion didn’t start today, we were born and found out that there was fashion there before. Street fashion has been the general view of fashion as people come up with different types of outfits and designs to make fashion amazing. People have come up with different styles of matching up clothes making a good and impressive look.

People around the world have always practiced this Western street fashion and they have always accepted that street fashion is the best of all.

#1.Puffer Coat+ Short Dress+ Black Boots

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If you like trying new things then this is your time. Try matching up a short black dress with a blazer and boots to experience the best that you have been looking for.

This kind of fashion best fits petite babes who don’t like carrying much in bags. don’t forget shades for a completely awesome look.

#2. Checkerboard Prints

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Blue jeans work out well on most occasions. I have never thought of missing blue jeans in my closet as it does magic to my outfits. Match your blue jeans with a checkerboard print fur jacket and boots.

#3. Black Blazer+ Black Trouser & Black Mesh Crop Top

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You’ve seen fine babes on most occasions wearing blazers of different colors and matching up well with their outfits. Other girls use blazers matching them up with dresses giving them an outstanding look.

This black blazer is well-fitted with black trousers and a see-through crop top that gives this lady a pretty look. Not forgetting the black shades that complete the outfits.


#4.Blue Jeans+ Blue Denim

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Blue jeans and denims work well when you wear a fitting outfit that doesn’t make you feel stuffed and gives you space for air circulation.

Pair your outfits with orange heels or any type of heels you’ll like and you’ll love that awesome look.

#5. Rugged Jeans+ Grey Sweater + Black Shades

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Fashion is what is made and then it sprouts to become something amazing. For you to come up with a good outfit like these ones you have to try and be good at matching colors to produce a decent outlook. Colors are what make outfits look outstanding.

These rugged grey-blue jeans with a sweater are a perfect match for you. Wear this kind of outfit when you are out with friends or on occasions like parties and I know you will love the uniqueness in it.

Photo Credit; Getty Images

Follow Me on Our Fashion Passion Kevin Osinde 

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