Former child star Macaulay Culkin, popularly known as Kevin McCallister from the Hollywood comedy movie “Home Alone”, has from time to time graced red carpet moments while donning stylish apparel. More so, although he is not as active in Hollywood at the moment as he was in the past when he does grace the red carpet, one cannot say that Culkin is typical in terms of fashion. What is Hank again famous for; he likes to incorporate both tradition and kitsch in most of his appearances and therefore represented his eccentric character to the letter when on the red carpet.
Macaulay Culkin’s Red Carpet Moments 1. Unexpected Suits
This, of course, is not the staid black-tie tux that Macaulay Culkin wears when he’s prepping for the red carpet. When it comes to the suits, he prefers ones that aren’t quite traditional—perhaps bright colored, a few shades of the patterns, or even the cut. For example, on one occasion, a man was caught wearing a velvet suit jacket over casual trousers which gives both class and comfort. For formal occasions, Culkin remains fairly safe to some extent but for regular dressing, his choice of suits avoids the standard boring look, we can see that he isn’t afraid to try out new styles, however, he doesn’t go overboard with the styles, they are just elegant.
Macaulay Culkin’s Red Carpet Moments 2. Quirky Accessories
Culkin’s red carpet wears these days come with silly accessories different from the Hollywood clichés. From flannel scarfs Right down to outrageous eyewear, these accessories give his clothing line an air of fun. It doesn’t end there, although he does have an obsession with quirky accessories – Culkin also likes to wear badges and brooches; rings and other pieces of jewelry; and shoes and sneakers that ordinary people would not normally wear in such situations, like fancy printed loafers, or formal suit with informal casual trainers. These accessories not only show how humorous he is but the generally laid-back way he has of dealing with his choice in clothing.
Macaulay Culkin’s Red Carpet Moments 3. Relaxed Attitude
Something which can be seen most vividly when watching Culkin performing on the red carpet is that he really does not give a damn. Culkin, in contrast with many other celebrities who pay lots of attention to the choice of colors and styles, does not appear deliberately casual. Most of the time appears relaxed and that signifies a certain degree of satisfaction with whatever he is wearing, it can be a suit or trousers and a shirt. This approach contributes to his laid-back personality that makes him look real when he is dressed up for the red carpet.
4. Vintage Inspirations
Culkin’s love for old-fashioned fashion is also reflected in the red carpet styles as well. This is often seen in him is the incorporation of retro motifs in his clothing where he has been seen wearing 70’s inspired wide-lapelled suit or 90’s inspired patterned button-down shirt. These gears do not only try to imbue the Steampunk aesthetics in his appearance but they also keep reminding him of part of his legacy, especially during the 90s.
The style that Macaulay Culkin uses while attending events and award shows is unique, appropriate, and rather liberal. His suits are unexpected, his accessories playful and he exudes more laid-back connotations than any other Hollywood actor. What one can notice about Culkin’s red carpet fashion is that he does not aim to look as sophisticated as the celebrities of today, but at the same time, his outfit is memorable. From hitching up his tuxedo to posing in a sheer shirt, every red carpet moment Culkin has ever shared with the world is proof of this man’s timelessness in both fashion and acting.
Photo Credit: Pinterest
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