Ancient Natural Beauty Secrets from the Hunza Mountains

Hunza Valley's Ancient Beauty Secrets
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Hunza, also called paradise on earth, is a remote valley in Pakistan. This valley has the most stunning mountain views, diverse languages, rich cultural heritage, and diverse beliefs. Whoever visits this place gets stuck in the natural beauty of this valley and is even more surprised to see people living into their 90s in good health and beauty. The people of this remote valley have recently gained attention worldwide due to their beauty, good health, and longest life expectancies on the planet. They have the title of “life span champions” in the world from the researchers who have studied their lifestyle and diet to learn about their impressive health and longevity. In this article, we will explore their ancient natural beauty secrets and a lot more.

Hunza Valley's Ancient Natural Beauty Secrets
(Image: discover the ultimate beauty secrets that have been passed down for generations in this breathtaking destination)


List of Hunza Valley’s Ancient Beauty Secrets

Here is a list of ancient beauty secrets from the mountain valley of Hunza. Discover all the key aspects of their lifestyle that are essential for natural beauty.

1. Diet

The people of this valley heavily rely on a natural plant-based diet. They consume fruits, like dried apricots, cherries, apples, and grapes, as well as many types of vegetables and grains, which are staples in this region. Apricot oil is also widely used for cooking purposes, and it is rich in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and more. Their soil is free from destructive synthetics and pesticides, and their diet does not include any sort of unprocessed food.

2. Physical activity

People in this valley have daily physical activities like walking long distances, climbing steep terrain, and doing labor work. Both men and women in this valley are engaged in physical labor like farming, herding livestock, and more. They also actively participate in activities like trekking and rock climbing. This all helps them stay in shape and fit.

3. Clean Environment

If anyone wants to learn about zero waste, a sustainable lifestyle, and clean and unpolluted environmental practices, Hunza is the ultimate place. Hunza is free from toxins and surrounded by Himalayan mountains, peaks, glaciers, rivers, lakes, and lush green forests, with 24-hour access to mountain water and fresh air.

4. Strong community support system

These people value strong community bonds and emphasize collective responsibility. They prioritize relationships, emphasize social connection, and support each other in need. This close-knit social structure promotes a sense of belonging and security, which ultimately positively affects the health and beauty of people.

5. Balanced lifestyle

The people of Hunza Valley prioritize a balanced lifestyle. They focus on mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. They value and practice tranquility, and they integrate mindfulness into their daily lives.

6. Natural remedies

Like any other remote area, the people of Hunza also rely on natural remedies and herbal medicine instead of medicines from pharmacies. They use local plants and herbs such as Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Polygonaceae, Rosaceae, and more to treat common ailments and maintain good health.

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It’s important to remember that natural beauty combines genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. But by following some of these practices for the ultimate beauty secrets, you can transform your life. I would like to thank Neelam Khan, a tour guide from Globalocal Experiences, for helping me explore this beautiful place and discover ancient beauty secrets. I, along with many others, have not felt like an outsider in Hunza Valley because of the hospitality and love of the locals. If you ever plan to visit Hunza, make sure to hire a local tourist like Ms. Khan, book a local guesthouse, and select dates for festivals like Ginnani, Chilam Joshi, Navroz, Urs, and others for the best experience.

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