Does Fashion mean, to wear uncomfortable clothes and why is that wrong?

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It’s a most remarkable but ignored topic of fashion that the real means of fashion is to wear uncomfortable clothes only for showing a luxurious lifestyle, attractive personality, fashion, and trend. We are doing such things to show off, while we know that the things i.e. clothes, sandals, and other accessories, might be harmful to our health and body.

Today, I’m going to share my point of view on this relevant topic, Is only fashion important or is our body care, beauty, comfort, and health important as well? It’s wrong or right to show off. So, we are going through these questions ahead.

Do Celebrities feel comfortable in their costumes:


woman who wear uncomfortable clothes
actresses who wear uncomfortable clothes
uncomfortable clothes and shoes

Frankly, we can say, Beauty is the pain, the pain to wear uncomfortable clothes, the pain to wear irritable heels and sandals, and so on. According to statistics, most of the moments celebrities faced are uncomfortable even with their own choosing things. If we go through her real life we often see her in comfortable clothes and accessories but when they come on stage they always look uncomfortable, noticeable, and rude. So, we can say that there is no good fashion where nothing comfort.

In urban and Rural contexts:


wear uncomfortable clothes

As we are seeing how people try to change themselves after seeing western fashion, while they rarely enjoy this. If we talk about rural areas, both gender wants to create their likes and dislikes, taste and choice as the urban guys. But, they can’t do it properly just because of environmental factors, culture, daily routine, different schedules, and so on. On the other hand, an Urban guy sometimes tries to cover up as a rural guy but at last, they feel comfortable in their daily wearing clothes and accessories. So we can say that fashion isn’t about only showing off but you need to stay comfortable and attractive as well.

Dis-Advantages of uncomfortable and irritable Fashion :


uncomfortable clothes 1


There are many disadvantages except advantages of unknown, uncomfortable, and irritable Fashion, which are as follows:


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1. First of all, Uncomfortable fashion always feel you a duplicate piece of society.

2. Uncomfortable clothes harsh your skin, make cuts, stains, and energy on your body and sometimes it can make a big problem.

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3. Irritable clothes and accessories make you unattractive, rude, and bold. Sometimes, you can become a laughingstock on the platform.

4. You will feel difficulty inhaling and exhaling, and face problems with ventilation and heat.

5. Use of chemical clothes and accessories always will create physical, mental, and emotional problems.


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6. Such kinds of clothes always be costly, expensive and weak.

These are all the facts of uncomfortable fashion. According to me, fashion that feels uncomfortable never stays permanent and can’t be staying permanently in our daily routine.

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By Komal 

Recommended2 recommendationsPublished in celebrity fashion, Our Fashion Passion, Skin Care, Uncategorized