Dressiquette – Tie Bars Sit Between the 3rd & 4th Button

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Here’s an additional update on a Dressiquette post from nearly seven years ago: Even if the rules on where to wear tie bars remain the same, it appears that either A) nobody read the original post or B) everyone read it but chose to ignore it.

Similar to shoulder pads, tie bars appear to be a fashion element that never truly goes out of style—they only seem to take on new forms throughout time. These tiny accessories had their moment, even though the trend may have waned a bit since they were so popular a few years ago. Now, I would be pleased to show you the location if you can find the time.

I figured it was about time we updated this page with a straightforward illustrated step-by-step guide because so many guys are still getting their tie bars wrong.


Tie Bars 2


Tie Bars 1

Such rules are excellent since they simplify and essentially guarantee proper attire. Evidently not fail-safe, I suppose. It is really clear-cut in this instance. If your shirt contains buttons, ensure sure the tie bar is positioned in between the third and fourth buttons. It really is that easy. Sort of.

To be honest, the above guideline is a more modern way to wear a tie bar than the traditional method of wearing it lower down, between the fourth and fifth shirt buttons. If you got your tie bar knowledge from your parents, then you can disregard my advice. To be honest, it won’t matter if it’s a little higher or lower. The ideal tie bar placement depends on a number of factors, including the thickness of your tie, the style of your suit, and where your shirt buttons are placed. If you’re truly lost, aim for the area below your pectoral muscles and around your sternum. If you have no idea where any of these is, tie bars might not be the best option for you.

Tie Bars 3
Tie Bars 4

Of course, before you start sliding that tie bar between the third and fourth buttons, there are a few more things you may want to know.

First of all, size does matter, and bigger isn’t always better. The length of your tie should never be greater than the tie bar. Ever! Don’t wear your new slim tie with your grandfather’s old tie bar, no matter how much you’d like to! The maximum width of your tie bar should be 70% of the width of your tie. The tie bar gets shorter the thinner the tie. The Tie Bar has the widest selection of varied lengths, in my experience; I get 80% of my tie bars and ties from them.

Make sure you match the size and colour exactly now that you have the sizing down. If you’re going metallic, make sure your tie bar matches your belt buckle, cufflinks, watch, and other metal accessories. You can learn more about getting matching metals here. Select a colour that goes with your shirt or pocket square for a more modern appearance. Go “invisible” and choose a tie bar that complements the colour of your tie for an extra stylish look—it’s very GQ!

Image: Google

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