How to Grow Your Hair Under Wig?

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Wigs can help you try out different styles while also increasing your confidence due to hair loss due to illness. But you may still want healthy, natural hair growth, and this article will give you everything you need to know about keeping your hair healthy and growing under your wig.

1. Wash your hair regularly

Cleansing your hair regularly removes dirt, oil, and product residue, creating the perfect environment for hair growth. Because the hair is stuffy under the wig, it will sweat, and if it is not cleaned in time, it will cause inflammation of the scalp and clog the hair follicles. Try to wash it at least twice a week, and in summer it is recommended to wash it three times.

2. Massage scalp

Scalp massage promotes blood and oxygen circulation in the scalp, keeping your hair follicles well-nourished and healthy. This action relaxes the whole person, and they have even been scientifically proven to help your hair grow faster and thicker! Try massaging your scalp for at least four minutes every day to see visible scalp growth.

3. Try oils that promote hair growth

Many essential oils are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fatty acids and can be added during scalp massage to help hair grow longer, fuller, and faster, nourishing the hair and scalp and keeping it healthy.


4. Conditioner protection

When your hair is tucked under a wig, it can cause frizz if not managed properly. Conditioner moisturizes, smoothes, and repairs your hair, which is crucial if you plan on growing your hair. Make sure to use a moisturizing conditioner after every wash.

5. Don’t sleep with a wig on

Sleeping with a wig not only shortens the life of the wig but also damages the hair! When you toss and turn in your sleep, your wig can rub against the pillow and cause frizz, and your hair may break and stunt hair growth. If you want to give your hair and scalp time to breathe, it’s recommended to take off your wig or switch to sleeping with your hair wrapped in a silk scarf.

6. Make sure the wig you purchase is the correct size

Wearing an ill-fitting wig can be very harmful to your hair. You can prevent damage by making sure the wig is the right size and fits your hair and head comfortably. While you want the wig to fit snugly, it shouldn’t be too tight or it will cause discomfort. Avoid wearing a wig that is too tight as continued friction can cause the wig to break and thin at the edges.

7. Try a glueless wig or a headband wig

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Although glue-bonded wigs are very strong, the glue will inevitably cause damage to your fringe hair. It is recommended to switch the wig type. You can buy a glueless wig or headband wig-type to avoid the use of glue, gel, and styling spray. Also saves you time.

8. Be careful with edge control

Baby hair lovers everywhere feel like their hairstyle isn’t perfect until they chop off the edges. However, when you sand the edges smooth, repeated tension may cause the edges to thin. In addition, edge control products contain irritating ingredients that may cause scalp problems and, in severe cases, hair loss.

9. Braid your hair carefully

While you want to braid your hair tightly enough for the wig to lie flat, be careful not to braid it too tightly. Braiding your hair too tightly can cause breakage and cause thinning around the hairline. Braids that are too tight may cause traction alopecia.


Photo from: Pinterest

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