How your Bag can Change your Attitude

bag with dog in it
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The bag is perhaps the most used accessory. In the office, on a walk, for a night out in the city, or at the supermarket we always have it with us.

Our clothes and accessories are tools that can help us look and feel better. With their help we can manage our external image, but also our body language, attitude, and energy. Therefore, how you wear your bag can change your attitude.

How to match and style your bag


The more formal or later in the evening the event takes place, the smaller the bag should be.
You will make it the center of interest of your outfit and organize your outfit according to it.
It doesn’t always have to match the shoes, but it has something in common with an element of the outfit.
As your outfit is more loaded and extravagant, the bag should be simpler and vice versa.
Choose the right colors for your bag just like you choose them for your skin. For business outfits, the most suitable colors are neutral ones. During the day you can also opt for strong colors, and for the evening pearly ones are the best choice.

If you want to appear taller, choose a smaller bag, if you want to appear shorter, choose a larger one. Also two bags will make you look more voluptuous. If you want to look thinner, choose a bag that contrasts with the color of the outfit.

Choose the right bag for your body type. Here is how

Secret tip: you can style the same bag differently just by changing your accessories. For example, you can wear a scarf in the morning and in the evening some pearls attached to your bag. So, choose a simple bag and change its attitude according to your preferences.

Here are some ideas Choosing the Perfect Handbag for Each Outfit | How to Avoid Common Handbag Styling Mistakes – YouTube

How your bag can Change your Attitude

bag and jeans

Of course for every occasion and outfit a different type of bag is appropriate, but just the way we wear it already can change our image in the eyes of others but also our attitude.

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When your bag is in your hand, you’ll have a businesslike and serious attitude. Perfect for office outfits. Having the weight of your bag hanging in your hand will force you to maintain an upright posture, and your body language will convey confidence and self-assurance. If you wear your bag slung over one shoulder, you’ll have a relaxed attitude and the weight won’t bother you so much either. The energy you exude will be one of relaxation and comfort. This option is perfect when you go for a walk.

When you want to look and feel sophisticated wear your bag slung over your arm. You’ll look like a diva and automatically move your body in a sensual way. This is the attitude you need for a girls night out.
Another option is to wear the bag under your arm. This way you will look elegant and feminine. Here the bag needs to be smaller and is a perfect look for gala outfits and more elegant events.

Recommended2 recommendationsPublished in apparel, Our Fashion Passion, street style, Uncategorized