Jessica Chastain Top 7 Hairdos: Your Guide to Perfect Styling

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Jessica Chastain shines at the red carpet glamour where she shows her sophistication in her looks hence making her to be very unique. Through her red locks, she shows her great variety of stunning styles hence showing out her classic Hollywood waves to the sleek modern updos. In today’s blog, I will take you through the procedures that she shows on how to style up.

1. The Classic Hollywood Waves

Jessica Chastain on to start up with clean and dry hair which is followed up with an application of a heat protectant spray to shield your hair from being damaged by heat. When one chooses to create curls, one should hold each curl for about 10 seconds. After is done one is advised to brush out the curls and then set up the style.

jessica chastain classic hairstyle

2. Sleek Low Bun

Jessica Chastain first proves that one should smooth the hair by applying a smoothing serum and then blow it dry. The next step is to create the bun where one should gather it into a low ponytail hence securing it with bobby pins. The look is finished with a hairspray hence making the hair shine.

3. Voluminous Ponytail

Jessica Chastain shows that one should first add volume and then follow up with a blow-dry. She also encourages that one should tease the hair at the crown and then create a ponytail by gathering your hair into a high ponytail. The set wouldn’t be complete without setting it up with a hairspray hence enabling it to shine.

Jessica Chastain hot hairstyle

4. Elegant Side Sweep

Jessica Chastain showed up her elegant side sweep where she first applied a heat protectant then curled her hair. There she created a sweep by parting her hair deeply to one side. To make the look complete she polished the look hence making her perfectly designed with the look.

jessica chastain side sweep hairstyle

5. Retro Glam Waves

Chastain put on this retro glam wave look by first setting her hair with a hairspray then blowed it dry. She then created waves by pinning each curl. She then brushed and shaped them to make them look complete.

Jessica Chastain sexy hairstyle

6. Messy Updo

Chastain was able to make the look complete by first starting it with dry hair and then applying a texturizing spray. She later created an updo after she gathered her hair into a loose ponytail and twisted it. She completed the look with a hairspray hence making the look complete.

7. Half-Up, Half-Down

Chastain was able to show up with this great look that made her look elegant. The first step was to apply a heat protectant and then curl your hair. After that, you are supposed to create a half-up style hence taking the top section. She then polished the look a bit hence applying a hairspray making it look shiny.

jessica chastain hairstyle




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