Master the Art of Content Writing: Tools and Tips for Website Succes

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“Discover the best tools and tips for compelling and effective content writing on your website, from writing pads to plagiarism checkers. Become a pro with our step-by-step guide!”

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Writer Acknowledge

Blog post writing is an easy task that consists of tactics and inspiration about lifestyles, It may be plenty all around the internet because it is a daily basis of humans to enable others and readers to share from writers.

However, the writing keyword may not be familiar to the writer, but I have to emphasize to you that all aspects of articles have been held before around the globe even if the writer was amateur or they are not familiar with the internet ” Both writers and reader”, to make the work easy, the writer must calm and smart for everything about the keyword

Tools for writing content

1. Writing Pads

Google Keep Note, is a good site and app that is available on both the Play Store and Apple Store, it is friendly and used for writing pads on both computers and mobile phones, it does not consume higher data like DOC and WORDPAD which everyone is familiar with.


content writing Google Keep Note Screen Shot

I discovered it for writing content in 2021, which was the first time I wrote content online for some site that pays per visit. I highly recommend these for writers who use Google Keep notes in other to save time and energy

2. Word Counter.

Although it may seem too easy, you have to write at least 400 hundred words in 3 to 6 paragraphs before you can ready to publish it, but counting may simply be difficult on keep note because there’s no word counter in our note pad, however, we can guess it ourselves because of the paragraph we are using to separate the content well in other to let the reader guess the important context they achieve from your content.

content writing Word Counter Screen Shot

Using Word Counter is going to the fastest and easiest with a reliable source to count the exact number of words that you wrote for your site, however, Word Counter offers counting words for Free even though you don’t need to sign up but for other sources of the using it is subscription.

3. Grammatical checkers

Using Grammarly, technology has advanced even to think writing content is easy to do, even though checking the grammatical errors is just the tip of the iceberg because you don’t need to know much about correct grammar, however it also good to be an expert in all aspects of writing content to be bonafide in the society.

content writing Gramatical Checkers

Grammarly is offered both on the web and app for you every time in every context of the writing of articles and it is also available on Google play store and Apple Store but is good to have it on your phone and the extension on your computer, whenever you wrote the articles, cross-check it well and then take it to Grammarly site to for proper confirmation.


4. Paraphraser

Using QuillBot, as a writer in other to spicy the content up, I want to tell you that writing a content for site is very easy once you have the tools and tips for writing it, this paraphraser site is good for us to learn more about the synonyms of what we have writing in other to break the plagiarism report of the content we have been struggling work on.

content writing Quilbot

QuillBot is officially on both computer and mobile apps, it is easy to the extent that you don’t have to sign up but in other to have access to all offers of QuillBot you have to sign up, by way QuillBot is also available on Google play store and apple store, I can only advice you to install its extension on your computer for rapid work but you have to copy it to the website for the proper rephrase and you still have to cross-check it well before you publish it, the most part important in writing content.

Tips for writing content

Before I talk about the tips there are some keys that we need to hold and avoid for a proper ranking SEO, In all aspects of writing content there are some things that we have to explain in order for writing to be good to the reader, lastly have a proper ranking SEO in other for all search engine to recognize it, The reader may not know much about this tips because they eagerly waiting for the search engine to load a good content to read for solving the needs towards their research.

1. Plagiarism checkers

In order not to beat around the bush, Plagiarism simply means copying the writing content from other sites, Let us look at it ourselves, there is so many content online that is good although there is no perfect way to write content without Plagiarism except for using Al tools for writing, which is forbidden to use on your site in others to gain Adsense for monetization and SEO ranking.

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content writing checkers

How to check Plagiarism

The are some website that is offer specifically for checking Plagiarism but some are slow, Some are best to make something good, rapid tools that will break time, however, Plagiarism is very important to check before you post articles on your site.

Using Quetext, for you to be surely writing good content on your site you have to understand the way of checking Plagiarism, I can only recommend Quetext, it will show the website that the copying context was coming from, and it is very fast and reliable, however, you can only use Quetext on the website but if you are using a mobile phone, I commend the using of desktop mode, it will enable you to see the percentage of Plagiarism, but unfortunately Quetext only offers a subscription for removing Plagiarism on their site, thus everything we’ve been talking about, It is advisable for writing our own content than sort it out

2. Spun checkers.

Some writers always look down on spinning in the context of articles, in other to make it clear in explanation, spun simply means using (VERB)the Idea of someone else to create less strong content articles writing, even though the spun is under probability but the less concerned, it always shows in the context of articles writing.

content writing spun checkers

Using is going to give you the rapid tools of checking the probability of spin in the context of your articles, it is fast and easy to use, even though you don’t need to sign before checking the spun of the articles.

Tips for avoiding spun


1. Pick your words wisely. Make sure every word you use conveys the idea you desire and is exact. Avoid using terms with several meanings or ones that are readily misinterpreted.

2. Make use of powerful verbs. Since verbs are the main component of sentences, using verbs that are precise and indicate action will strengthen your writing.

3. Employ the active voice. The subject of the phrase is performing the verb in the active voice. This results in writing that is clearer and more succinct.

4. Altering the structure of your sentences. Your work will sound monotonous if every sentence has the same length and structure. Change things up! Make use of anything from short to large sentences and all in between.

Things to do before writing content

1. Finding a good keyword

2. Read the articles five at least times from other sites before you start writing your own


3. Understand the point of writing content of your own creativity to enhance readers’ understanding of what you mean

4. Cross-check the meaning of all words you want to write, if you don’t understand use the simplest words use the one you know.

5. Open at least 5 tabs of third-party websites to get more inspiration on writing


With all these tools and tips, I have mentioned above the best way is to practice article writing always, meanwhile, practice makes perfect, calming, smarting, and writing content at your own best comfort zone will result from a good response to what you want to enable reader to understand well and make more gain from your writing skills.

Photo Credit By AHMAZINGpost

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