Prolong The Shelf Life Of Your Makeup

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In my previous blog, you have read about when it’s time to throw or replace your makeup. It was pretty painful, right! Don’t worry; here are some ways to help you prolong the shelf life of your makeup. But again, keep in mind to check for red signs.

Store Your Makeup Properly

The place where you store your makeup is significant. Some people have a habit of holding it in their bathroom. Keeping your makeup in your bathroom is very risky. The steam from hot showers or the moisture in the bathroom can cause your product to mold, and germs and bacteria will start to accumulate. Thus, causing your product to expire.

It would be best always to store your makeup in a cool and dry place. Please protect it from heat and direct sunlight. Heat may be subjected to bacteria growth in the product. Direct exposure of the product to warmth and sun can dry the product. It can also negatively affect any active ingredient in the product, causing harm to the skin.

shelf life of your makeup

Wash Makeup Tools

It is essential to wash your hands before applying or using makeup. Also, keep in mind to clean your makeup tools once a week, such as brushes and sponges. Let the brushes and sponge dry properly before using them to avoid damage. Always keep the brushes covered. The bristles can catch bacteria in the air, entering the product and into your face. Remember to keep your brushes covered.

Don’t Dip in the Product Directly.

When using any liquid product, always take the desired quantity of the product out into your hand or mixing palette. It may prevent any external bacteria from entering the bottle or the container. This is one of the most important steps to keep in mind that can prolong the life of makeup products.

Mark the Date of Opening

Always read the labels on the packaging to know the product’s shelf life. And it’s better to mark each product with its opening date to keep track of the time. Keep a regular check for any abnormalities in your product; you will know that it’s time to replace the product.

makeup shelf life

Never Share Your Makeup!

It is a critical point that you should always keep in your mind. Never share your makeup with anyone. Sharing your makeup with anyone can endanger your health as well as cause harm to your makeup products.  It’s not a good idea to share your friend’s lipstick or her mascara or maybe eye shadows too. You don’t know what the skin type of another person is. The same goes for the makeup tools as well. You don’t need to share your brushes or sponges with anyone else. It involves personal hygiene as well. And sharing your stuff with others may increase the risks of infections and other serious diseases.

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Sharing someone else’s lipstick may lead to a cold sore, causing painful blisters on the lips. And someone else’s eye shadows or mascaras might be old enough or are not used hygienically, which may lead to causing conjunctivitis, pink eye, or other infections.

Remember not to share your makeup with your friends or family and vice versa.

shelf life of makeup

How to know my makeup has expired?

Your makeup can expire before the mentioned date or the suggested POA (Period after Opening), or if you are lucky enough, it may last longer. All you have to do is keep a close eye on your makeup in both cases. Keep noticing if any changes are there in the product. Don’t forget to smell the product. Sometimes liquid or cream formulated products have a specific type of odor. When they go bad, they appear alright visually, but a pungent or rotten smell starts coming from the product. You will know it’s time to toss the product if this happens.

Then you can check the consistency and the texture of the product. If the oil starts to layer on the top surface, the ingredients separate. You will also notice the lack of pigmentation. Well, it’s time to replace it.

And you can always click the given link to know the details about the expiry of your makeup product.

-Images from Google.

By Siddie F.Kay


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