Right Ways To Lose Weight

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Many of us do not have the habit of eating in the morning. Many people wake up in the morning and spend a lot of time during the day. They go to the office early in the morning and avoid food. Again, some people skip breakfast and eat lunch at once. But they have no idea how harmful it is.

There is no better way to not eat in the morning. On the contrary, it has many disadvantages. Some people think that if you don’t eat in the morning, you may lose weight. But this is a completely wrong idea. On the contrary, since the body has more metabolism in the morning, breakfast is well-digested. As a result of eating in the morning, the body can get energy throughout the day. If you don’t eat in the morning, the amount of food you eat at lunch can be more. This can increase your weight. Apart from this, there are many more harms due to not eating food in the morning. As well as increasing the chances of having a Heart attack, various physical problems can occur.

Know the harms of not eating in the morning :

1. Chances of a heart attack

Not eating in the morning increases the risk of heart attack by about 26 percent. Stress occurs in the body due to not eating in the morning and not eating for a long time. This makes it harder for the body to work, which can lead to heart disease and heart attack.

2. Decreased memory

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Not eating regular breakfast can reduce memory. Because eating breakfast increases the energy of the brain and the brain becomes sharp. And not eating in the morning lowers the amount of glucose in the body and blood sugar levels. This reduces the nutrition of the brain. So it can cause memory loss.

3. Increases the tendency to get diabetes

Not eating in the morning results in loss of blood sugar balance and increased glucose tolerance in the body. This may lead to type-2 diabetes.

4. Decreased body strength

If you don’t eat in the morning again after eating at night, the time of not getting food from the body becomes much longer. This can cause the body to lose its ability to function. On the other hand, if you eat food in the morning, it is digested quickly and well. As a result, it creates energy in the body to work throughout the day. So if you don’t eat in the morning, it can’t give the body the strength to work all day.

5. Weight gain

If you do not eat in the morning, there is a possibility of eating more in the afternoon. And as a result, extra calories get stored in the body. This can increase body weight.


So to keep the body healthy and well, you should make a habit of eating food regularly in the morning.


• Are all carbohydrates harmful???

Adding low-sugar foods to the diet is the wrong way to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, it is important to eliminate sugars or carbohydrates from the food list at the beginning. It is true that carbohydrates rapidly increase blood sugar levels and contribute to weight gain. It is also important to remember that “Not all carbohydrates are harmful”.

• ‘Low-carb diet’ or low-sugar-type eating habits :-

Eating a low-carbohydrate diet is called a low-carb diet. This type of food is low in sugar and high-fat and high-protein foods are added to fill the gap. This type of diet reduces the risk of cholesterol and blood pressure. So in the ‘low-carb diet’ some types of carbohydrates, essential and beneficial nutrients of the body are added.

• Does Low Carbohydrate Diet help in weight loss at all???

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According to weight loss research, low-carbohydrate foods are just as important as low-fat diets. However, many people face various problems in eating low carbohydrate type of food.

• Low-carbohydrate foods increase health risks —>

Obese people who have insulin resistance benefit from eating low-carbohydrate foods until their blood sugar levels are right. It also helps keep cholesterol and blood pressure normal.

Not having carbohydrates in the food list affects health. By not consuming carbohydrates at all, the body begins to break down body fat and muscle to produce energy. As a result, the metabolism also decreases.

Too much carbohydrate intake in a hurry can lead to a deficiency of essential nutrients in the body. Some carbohydrates are beneficial and necessary for the body, such as grains, fiber-rich foods, and fruits. Too much carbohydrate intake can lead to gastric problems such as constipation and nausea. Prolonged ingestion of carbohydrates also causes headaches.

• Try to take good carbohydrates

Low carbohydrate intake helps the body lose some weight. However, there is a lack of nutrients needed to keep the body active. So instead of reducing carbohydrates, it is better to eat fiber-rich foods with ‘complex sugars’. It helps increase metabolism. Good carbohydrates reduce weight as well as reduce the risk of eating high-calorie foods.

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Are you trying to lose weight or fat? Almost everyone is confused about two things. But weight gain and obesity are two different things. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Otherwise, reducing fat is just reducing excess fat from the body. But if we compare these two processes, then losing fat is much healthier than losing weight.

• How do you understand weight loss or fat?

The easiest way to find out if your body is losing weight is to stand on a weighing machine. You can buy a weighing machine at home. And you will also find body fat scales or machines in the market to know whether your body fat is decreasing or not. However, the exact amount of fat lost may not be known accurately through that machine. But you will get an idea about it.

• Why is losing fat better than losing weight?

In most cases, we resort to a very difficult diet to lose weight fast. Doing so can damage the body. In this case, the muscles of the body can also be damaged. Researchers say that keeping muscles healthy is important to prevent some of the most complex diseases in the body.

• How to shed excess fat from the body?


According to researchers, when excess fat is lost from the body, the muscles are further improved. In this way the body is clean and healthy. So the focus should not be on weight loss, but on losing body fat. Protein is very important for body building. That’s why to reduce fat, eat more protein foods instead of fatty foods.

• More to do

Exercise regularly to reduce body fat. Researchers say that it is not right to eliminate extra calories from food. Many people follow a diet routine that is difficult to lose weight. It may cause rapid weight loss, but it can have a negative effect on the body. So we need to focus on reducing fat, not body weight. In this case a balanced food list should be followed.

5 Differences Between Overweight and Obesity :

A review of the aspects that allow these ideas to be distinguished. “You have to lose weight.” Many who read these lines have probably heard these words from their doctor on occasion. The words overweight and obesity are not entirely unknown in our society, being overweight is an increasingly serious and relevant problem that can cause serious reactions in our lives.

But what are the differences between overweight and obesity? Let’s look at it.

Excess weight is understood to be a situation where a subject is given more weight than it is considered to be reasonable and healthy considering its weight, age, and gender. As for obesity, it feels like a situation (classified as a disorder according to some authors) where the subject in question maintains an excess and generalization of body fats throughout the body.


In both cases, we are experiencing excess weight and body mass. And although many people who have dieted or exercised do so primarily to adapt to beauty canons, the truth is that the problem goes much further— being overweight is a risk factor that facilitates the appearance of various diseases and even heart. It also causes death due to respiratory problems.

This excess is often taken as a result of a sedentary life and overeating, although there are diseases, changes, or conditions where obesity occurs without the previous two causes (for example, hyperplastic obesity) that occurs because the person has an excessive amount of adipose cells ( Is produced because it causes these cells to grow larger because there are no more).

The main difference between overweight and obesity are :

Being overweight and obese both refers to excess body fat, being closely related concepts and the main difference being the degree (obese people have more fat than overweight people). What’s more, at first glance it is difficult to distinguish the boundaries from each other, but although they are similar, the truth is that there are many differences to consider when recognizing them.

1) Body Mass Index (BMI).

Body mass index or BMI is a parameter used to determine the level of body fats. It is calculated by looking at the weight ratio of the square. In this index, we find a technical difference between excess weight and obesity.

It is considered that a BMI value of less than 18.5 is considered weight or weight less than recommended and healthy and can cause serious harm to health. There will be a BMI between 18.5 and 25 that will be considered normal weight with a healthy ratio between weight and height. From more than 25 values we will already enter to observe unhealthy body mass.


✓ Between 25 and 26.9 — Grade 1, i.e, Overweight.

✓ Between 27 and 29 — Grade 2 (also called pre-obesity).

✓ Between 30 and 34.9 — Type 1 Obesity.

✓ Between 35 and 39.9 — Type 2 Obesity.

✓ Finally, we found that people with a body mass index of 40 to 49.9 would be considered obese (or type 3), and more than 50 would be considered extreme or type 4 obesity.

In conclusion, one of the differences between obesity and overweight is that in the case of BMI, between 25 and 30 will be considered that the person in question is overweight and for a BMI of 30 we will talk about obesity.

2. Risk level.

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One of the main differences between overweight and obesity and in fact the most important is the fact that individuals at risk of maintaining these levels of body fat are harmed for their health. Obesity has become an important risk factor for the presence of various pathologies.

The most common and well-known are heart disease and arteriosclerosis (with increased risk of vascular and cerebrovascular events such as stroke). Also high blood pressure, bone problems, type 2 diabetes, respiratory problems such as bronchitis, liver and kidney problems, apnea or lower back pain during sleep, sexual dysfunction and even fetal defects in pregnant women. Also, the effects of surgical intervention and anesthesia are more dangerous, there are more sleep problems, and there is a greater tendency for anxiety and depression.

The risk of death in one of the above problems (especially cardiovascular and respiratory problems) is many times higher than in the general overweight population.

Regarding the level of risk, people who have so-called pre-obesity will have a slight risk of suffering from the above problems.

3. Intervention completed.

There is another difference between the two in the treatment that is given to solve it. In the case of being overweight, the main indications are physical exercise and adequate nutrition guidelines. It will also be recommended for obese people, although surgery may be required depending on the case and the presence of other problems or risk of deterioration.

4. Reasons.


The causes of both problems are multifactorial, including the interaction of different ingredients that lead us to be overweight or obese. Usually one of the most well-known is the loss of nutritional balance, we consume many more calories than we burn. In other words, eating too much and/or poorly and exercising too little will prevent it. However, this is not the only relevant reason, there are also genetic factors, metabolic diseases, or drug and substance abuse.

The reason we have added this aspect as the difference is that those who have certain genetic problems and/or developmental and metabolic diseases are more likely to develop obesity (if not controlled). On the other hand, excess weight that does not go in large quantities is usually more common than situational factors (although there is also a certain hereditary tendency).

5. To consider the matter of illness.

Although both concepts are worrisome, the fact that obesity is already considered a disease or disorder is a risk factor for being overweight, but it cannot be accurately identified as a condition.


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By Dr. Tulika

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