Ruby Stone in Mythology: The King of Precious Gems

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Since ancient times people have cherished ruby stone for its exceptional power to captivate anyone. Because it displays its deep red color to communicate love and energy many cultures study and respect it. As the “King of Precious Gems” ruby stone stands among gemstones with its unique appeal and powerful spiritual capabilities.

Ruby in Ancient Mythology

People in ancient India considered the ruby stone their top gem because they called it Ratnaraj. Ruby leaders thought it would safeguard the wearer from danger and create blessings. Hindu religious writings show rubies as gifts to Lord Krishna that bring rebirth as An Emperor to those donors.

Before battle Burmese warriors placed rubies under their skin to gain invincibility against their enemies. The Burmese linked rubies to strong protection making the gem stand as a symbol of power. According to medieval European customs rubies darkened to show their wearer danger was coming so they became more famous for mystery.

Ruby Stone Rings in History

Historically people valued ruby stone ring to show they held important positions of power alongside their wealth. Royals wore rubies because these gems represented their official right to lead their people. During Roman times nobility leaders preferred ruby stone rings because they thought the gemstone would make them healthier and wiser while boosting their success. People used these rings to build stronger romantic partnerships and make their feelings for each other grow stronger.

ruby stone
Ruby Stone


The Value of Ruby Stone

People want ruby because of its special nature as a gemstone. To get quality rubies you must understand original ruby stone prices per carat. The cost depends heavily on what kind of ruby you get and how it was found along with its color quality and size. Burmese rubies primarily from Mogok carry the best quality and sell at the top of the market.

People value genuine ruby stones for their orange-red color which gemologists name “pigeon blood rubies” but these tops are difficult to find and cost a lot. Buy only from recognized stores and demand lab results to confirm the authenticity of your purchase.


Throughout history the ruby stone’s mythological background makes it the unmatched ruler of gemstones. People keep this classic gemstone close by either as jewelry or a charm without the value of its beauty changing through time. You will both follow ancient traditions and create an elegant mysterious atmosphere to your jewelry by owning rubies.

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