Can a woman wear sneakers to a formal function and still look appropriate in the eyes of others or should she wear heels?
Oftentimes persons put the perception onto others that they have to always dress and look a certain type a way to be beautiful truth is everyone is different and while some of us find comfort in our little black dress and our red bottom pumps on a Friday night it’s terrifying for others who would rather some oversized T-shirt, joggers and sneakers.
I think we should normalize letting people be who they are without being so judgemental. be the best version of yourself whether you are a sneakers person or a heels person. The best part is that you are happy and comfortable rather than miserable and uncomfortable just because you picked the wrong shoes.
The next time you leave out your house to go somewhere be confident in your choice of footwear even though they may not approve.
Which are your sneakers or a heels type of girl?
NB. I don’t own the rights of the picture shown above.
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