Tips To Make Hair Grow Fast

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Tips to make hair grow fast?

Here are the 10 tips to make your hair grow fast:

1. Eat food rich in iron

2. Eat enough calories to feed your scalp

3. Avoid chemical hair products

4. Avoid extreme heating tools

5. Apply heat regularly

6. Avoid too much oiling

7. Avoid too much brushing

8. Avoid blow-drying hair

9. Avoid combing hair

10. Avoid chemical hair treatments


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1. Eat Rich Iron Foods

If your diet is rich in iron, and enough of it, you need not worry about hair fall and hair growth, says Dr. Vidyasagar, a dermatologist from the Fortis Flt. III in Delhi. “Iron is the backbone of our growth cells. They can make and use iron,” he says.

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The role of iron is to provide energy to the hair follicle. It helps in the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acid, DNA and RNA replication, and in the growth of cells. Iron is also required to turn on the cell division process and to develop an enzyme called RNA polymerase. He says if there is too little iron in our bodies, it results in hair loss and even alopecia.

Iron deficiency can be hereditary or caused by anemia. In the first case, it is easy to diagnose. In the second case, it is difficult to diagnose since there can be many causes. Anemia can be caused by certain medications.

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According to experts, hair care products and shampoos should not have a lot of iron. This is because the iron from the shampoo or hair product can stain the hair strands black. In turn, this blackening can also make the hair appear unhealthy. Therefore, you need to use a special iron-free shampoo and conditioner.

Iron deficiency can also affect the body’s ability to absorb iron from food. This will make the hair thin and dry.

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2. Eat protein-rich food for healthy hair

A healthy diet is very essential for healthy hair. This means a well-balanced diet and a healthy body are two prerequisites to achieving good hair health. One should avoid eating too much in a single meal. He or she should be consuming smaller, more frequent meals.

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A diet rich in protein means a diet rich in iron and zinc, which are nutrients for hair. Also, it contains vitamins, antioxidants, and other healthy ingredients. Iron and zinc promote new cell growth and thus increase hair health. There are various foods rich in these nutrients.

Pork, beef, turkey, chicken, legumes, fish, and shellfish are some of the foods you can eat for healthy hair.

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3. Take good care of the scalp

You should eat a diet that contains some fruits and vegetables that contain healthy nutrients for the scalp. This includes foods like carrots, spinach, and kale. Foods like bananas, dates, dried apricots, and sunflower seeds can also be included in your daily diet for good hair growth.

Also, you should avoid eating foods that have high-calorie content. Heating in the microwave and the oven will result in hair loss, especially when you use a hairdryer frequently. This is because the heat damages the hair follicles.

4. Hair products can damage your hair


Most hair products contain chemicals. These chemicals come from artificial ingredients. They are harmful to the hair, which in turn, damages your hair.

Many people often use artificial chemicals in their hair to stop the loss of hair. This actually prevents the proper growth of the hair and makes it grow slower.

Hair products should be used in moderation and in small amounts. For example, a shampoo should not be used more than once a week, says Dr. Vidyasagar. Also, a conditioner should be applied after shampooing, because it removes the excess amount of water that was present in the hair after the shampooing.

5. Shampoo once a week

There are various ways to reduce the damage to the hair.

To prevent hair loss, you need to limit the amount of shampoo you use. When it comes to hair growth, it is recommended that you shampoo only once a week. This is because, if you shampoo multiple times a week, you remove the oil that your hair needs. If this happens, you make the hair very dry and this reduces your hair growth.



6. Avoid chemical hair treatments

If you use chemicals in your hair daily to make it grow faster, it will cause damage to the hair, which in turn, damages your scalp and hair. This reduces the hair follicles and hair growth.

For more hair growth, you need to use a product that contains natural ingredients like coconut oil, avocado, and honey.

You can use these items to repair hair follicles and strengthen hair.

7. Use heat on hair carefully

One of the best ways to prevent hair loss is to avoid using a hairdryer every day. It is best to use the dryer only when you shampoo your hair, says Dr. Vidyasagar.

Heating in the microwave is very dangerous to the hair because it makes the hair break down, which in turn, reduces its strength and growth. The hair that is broken down is easily damaged and more susceptible to hair loss.


The best method to heat your hair is to use a towel, wet it, and then use a blow dryer. You can also use a heat tool, like an iron. But keep the heat low and use it only for a few seconds.

8. Avoid plucking or tweezing the hair

You can’t get rid of your hair follicles by plucking them. Plucking and tweezing also cause hair loss. You should avoid taking scissors and tweezers to your hair because it creates a small wound that can infect.

Also, these items shouldn’t be used to cut off long hair, because this will cause excessive bleeding.

9. Protect your hair from the sun

The sun gives your hair an instant makeover. When it comes to hair growth, it helps the hair follicles to grow in a healthy manner. Therefore, the sun is a great help for hair growth.

However, you should limit your exposure to the sun and avoid getting too much sun. You can use a sunscreen lotion or spray to protect your hair. This will also protect the hair against heat damage, which in turn, reduces hair loss.

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10. Be natural in your hair

Healthy hair has a natural appearance. Therefore, you can try different natural methods to grow your hair.

Applying a hair mask once or twice a week will strengthen and repair your hair. Using natural oils like coconut oil and avocado will help the hair and scalp in healing and grow. This will protect the hair from the harsh sun rays and thus reduces hair loss.

Using natural shampoos and conditioners is a good option to strengthen the hair follicles. These shampoos will help to eliminate excess oils and dirt on your hair. This will make it look healthier and stronger.

Also, hair is easier to grow when the scalp is healthy. Therefore, you can try a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle to stay healthy.

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By Sarvan

Photo Credit Google

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