Top 4 Rings for Your Proposal Day

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Proposal rings symbolize eternal love and lifelong commitment to the significant other. The moment you wear a proposal ring, it becomes an essential part of your life. If you’re looking for a proposal ring with which you can pop the question to your inamorata, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, I will enlighten you about 4 of the best proposal ring options.

Blue sapphire halo Proposal Ring

Blue sapphire halo Proposal Ring
Blue sapphire halo Proposal Ring

A sapphire proposal ring is the one you need if you want to express your devotion like the royals. This opulent ring is embellished with a halo of a series of small diamonds, adding to the gemstone’s bling-bling aura. Sapphires have long been associated with nobility and aristocracy and symbolize faithfulness. Gliding this ring onto her finger would once again make her go head over heels for you.

The halo setting of this proposed ring would easily cover more surface of her finger, making the center stone appear larger without spending a lot of bucks. Moreover, an intense halo setting like this never fails to protect the gemstone from harmful objects.

Three Stones Ruby Proposal Ring

Three Stones Ruby Proposal Ring
Three Stones Ruby Proposal Ring

The beautiful red hue of ruby makes it a favored choice for the lion’s share of modern brides. And, why not? The ring stands for never-ending love and passion. Rubies are believed to nurture the bond between a couple profoundly. This fascinating heart-shaped ruby proposal ring comes in a dark red color that infuses a sense of unconditional love and countless emotions.

Its prong ring setting increases the gemstone’s brilliance by enabling the light to strike it from different directions. Apart from that, the prongs also firmly secure the stone in its place.

Emerald Cut Emerald Halo Proposal Ring

Emerald Cut Emerald Halo Proposal Ring
Emerald Cut Emerald Halo Proposal Ring

Emerald Cut Emerald Halo Proposal Ring

This ring is known for its elegance, shine, and fabulous twist that can turn heads at any event. Its curved band is what makes it noteworthy. The emerald halo ring is a perfect combination of movement and shape that distinguishes it from other proposal ring alternatives. On top of that, the deep green precious stone makes a commendable choice for this proposal ring.

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Emerald Gemstones can be a boon for your lady as it represents fidelity, good fortune, peace, and true love. Moreover, if she is a true original when fashion and life are concerned and dreams of something exotic, this one would never fail to pop her eye.

Princess Cut Diamonds Proposal Ring

Princess Cut Diamonds Proposal Ring
Princess Cut Diamonds Proposal Ring

Finally, a diamond! Diamond signifies strength, love, and health, making it the perfect and one of the most famous icons that come to everyone’s mind when a proposal is concerned. The incredibly eye-catching princess-cut diamond proposal ring exudes bold vibes in a striking style. Its sleek design paves a path for a high level of scintillation that satiates her soul in terms of the brilliance and fire she desires.


A proposal ring is a ring that you’d wear every day for the rest of your life, that would correctly describe the highs and lows of your relationship, the difficulties you went through as a couple, and all the other little things that made you fall in love with each other. Therefore, selecting a proposal ring is quite arduous.

If wading through this article has fuelled your interest and empowered your trust in GemsNY’s astounding proposal rings that you want more of, go for it now! Sometimes, what we’re looking for is just one step ahead.

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