Thinking about our lips is most important cause it is one of the most delicate parts of our skin. So as its needs more care than any other part of our body. Just like we have to follow a daily skincare routine for ours. Same we have to do with our lips as well to protect them from our daily life pollution and dust as well as harmful UV rays. Our lipbalm care routine only has 3 steps.

1. Exfoliation

Exfoliation is key in getting a soft, smooth, and supple lips. It also helps to remove all of the dead skin cells on your lips. Which makes them glow and Pulm. This step can help you remain your lips soft pink. You should do this only once a week to avoid dryness and brittleness.
2. Moisturizer

Moisturizer is the most important step in this whole routine. This is a must-do step. This will provide your lip with hydration. You have to do this daily. Without any delay, twice a day will be better or you can use as much as your lip needs hydration.
Choosing any moisturizer for lips is not an easy job. You need to check SPF in it. If it is long-lasting or not. Which ingredient it has. Whether it has healing effects or not.
 3. Mask

This is a once-in-a-week do step usually but if you are suffering from dry and chapped lips then, use it every night until you get the desired results. Your lip mask should be very gentle and if you can find an organic one then it’s very good.
Photo credit Pinterest
By Rida Khan
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