Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes!

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In this blog, we’ll be giving you tips on how to cure or remove blackheads under our eyes without using any beauty products.

But before we start here let’s first find out how it actually gets or what is the reason why we get it like this?

Both men and women both have dark rings under their lower eyelids. Dark circles, which are sometimes accompanied by bags, might make you appear older than you are. To make matters worse, they are notoriously tough to get rid of.

While exhaustion may appear to be the most reasonable explanation for this condition, dark circles beneath the eyes can be caused by a variety of circumstances. In the majority of situations, they are not causing concern and do not necessitate medical care. Continue reading to find out more.

These are the main causes for you to develop these dark circles:


Dark circles under your eyes are frequently caused by dehydration. When your body does not get enough water, the skin beneath your eyes becomes dull and your eyes appear sunken. This is because they are so close to the underlying bone.

Overexposure in the Sun

Excessive sun exposure can lead your body to develop an excess of melanin, the pigment that gives your skin color. Excessive sun exposure, particularly around the eyes, can cause pigmentation in the surrounding skin to darken.

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Eye Strain

Staring at a television or computer screen can put a strain on your eyes. This stress might cause the blood vessels surrounding your eyes to swell. As a result, the skin around your eyes may get darker.


Dark circles can be caused by allergic responses and eye dryness. When you experience an allergic reaction, your body produces histamines in response to potentially hazardous microorganisms. Histamines, in addition to creating unpleasant symptoms such as itching, redness, and puffiness of the eyes, cause your blood vessels to widen and become more apparent beneath your skin.

Allergies can also make you want to scratch the irritated skin around your eyes. These acts can aggravate your symptoms by generating inflammation, edema, and blood vessel rupture. This can cause dark shadows to form beneath your eyes.

How can we Treat this?

Using Home remedies we can get rid of this problem! Without spending money and using cosmetics products!

Cold Compress

It can aid in the reduction of edema and the contraction of dilated blood vessels. This can help to erase dark circles and minimize the look of puffiness. Wrap a clean towel around a couple of ice cubes and place it over your eyes. For the same effect, soak a washcloth with cold water and apply it to the skin beneath your eyes for 20 minutes. If the fabric warms up or the ice melts, repeat the process.

Have enough sleep everynight

Sleeping more might also help to lessen the look of dark circles. Sleep deprivation can cause your complexion to seem pale, emphasizing the dark circles. Allow yourself seven to eight hours of sleep to avoid dark circles.

Head positioning while sleeping

While sleep deprivation can contribute to dark circles under your eyes, how you sleep can also play a role. Elevate your head with a few pillows to prevent fluid from accumulating behind your eyes, which can cause puffiness and swelling.

Stay Hydrated

Water accounts for roughly 60% of your body weight. Given this, it should come as no surprise that dehydration can contribute to under-eye bags. Increasing your water consumption should help.


How much is too much? Experts recommend that men drink approximately 13 cups of fluids per day and women drink approximately 9 cups of fluids per day.

Do you dislike water? The good news is that all fluids are included in your daily total. Water, on the other hand, is a low-calorie option. Try sparkling waters, flavored waters, or fruit-infused water. Herbal decaffeinated tea, hot or cold, is another wonderful option.

Have a Healthy Diet

The muscles and tissues that support your eyelids deteriorate as you age. This implies that your skin, including the fat around your eyes, may begin to sag.

Increasing your vitamin C consumption can help your body absorb more hyaluronic acid. This important acid is found in the body naturally, although the amount stored declines with age.

Foods high in vitamin C and amino acids can also aid in collagen formation by increasing hyaluronic acid levels, resulting in better skin.

Stop Smoking

Tobacco use depletes your body’s stocks of vitamin C, which is crucial for the formation of healthy collagen in your skin. You may have wrinkles, discoloration, and even under-eye bags and dark circles if you smoke.

Quitting smoking can also assist with a variety of other health problems. You can add years to your life, remove stains from your teeth, and lower your risk of getting diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some malignancies.

In the first several weeks after stopping cold turkey, you may experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms should disappear in 10 to 14 days.

– This Ends Here –


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Recommended2 recommendationsPublished in Health